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Technical Documents

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📁Reference Documents
3D Modeling and Document Guidelines
Explains the steps required to create a 3D CAD Model, drawing, and a Bill of Materials. This document is geared towards student FSAE/Baja projects but applies to all projects involving notched tube kits. Download 2.4 MB 3D Modeling and Document Guidelines-SolidModeling.20230627.pdf
Aircraft Models Listing
List of available Aircraft Models, and details. Download 177.7 KB Aircraft models listing.pdf
CNC Mandrel Bending Tool List
CNC bending tool list ideal for mid to high volume production. Download 435.4 KB CNC Mandrel Bending Tool List.pdf

SolidWorks model, drawing and BOM.

Download 5.3 MB
Manual Tube Bending Tool List
Manual bending tool list suitable for low volume and one-off part production. Ideal for FSAE and Baja chassis fabrication. Download 183.3 KB TubeBendingGuidelines.May2024.pdf
Round Tube Size Chart
List of normally stocked 4130N tubing sizes Download 78 KB 4130N.roundtube.sizes.website.pdf
SAE Student Guideline

Outlines information needed for a complete quote and manufacture.

Download 248.5 KB vr3.fsae.checklist.20170901.pdf
Sample Assembly Drawing

A sample assembly drawing with isometric balloon drawing and three view orthographic with key dimensions listed for reference

Download 104.6 KB UnivofABC.fsae.Rev1.20160901.pdf

A template for compiling the required material data to submit for quoting.

Download 16.1 KB

SolidWorks Weldment Library files for Round and Square tubes -includes description field for proper cutlist setup.

Download 650.2 KB
List of normally stocked 4130N Square and Rectangular Tubing sizes Download 67.6 KB 4130N.Sq.Rect.sizes.website.pdf
VR3 Tube Notching Process
A comprehensive description of our proprietary process and procedure, outlining the advantages and features of VR3's Tube Notching Process. Download 184.8 KB VR3.cnctubenotching3.website.pdf